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The Case for Closed-Back Headphones

There are two camps in the world of headphones: those who prefer open-back headphones and those who prefer closed-back headphones. Both types have pros and cons, but today we're going to make a case for why closed-back headphones are the way to go. Why You Should Consider Closed-Back...


Projectors vs. TVs: The Debate Rages On

If you're like most people, you probably grew up watching TV. It's the traditional way to consume media, after all. But in recent years, a new contender has entered the ring: projectors. Nowadays, more and more people are ditching their TVs in favor of projectors, but...


5 Ways to Store Your Headphones

Headphones are an essential part of many people's lives. They allow us to enjoy our music without disturbing those around us and are great for taking phone calls hands-free. But once you're done using them, what's the best way to store them, so they...

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